Invite Health is Taking a Break in April

Learning to rest

Hi Invite Health community!

Sachi here. As mentioned in my previous newsletter, I will be taking a break from posting on Invite Health in April, to focus on my Master’s studies (and rest a bit…).

What does this mean? 🤔 

There will be no weekly newsletters in your inbox for the next month, and less activity across Invite Health’s social media pages. A social media break is also part of my April plan 😴 

You can access Invite Health’s newsletters for free, anytime on our website:

When will we be back? ⏲️ 

First week of May! We have an exciting roundup of interviews to share with you, from a PhD/Investor to a Research Coordinator at St Michael’s Hospital to some of my classmates at Oxford.

Has Invite Health helped you? 🤝 

Please take <5 minutes to tell me a bit more about how we can make Invite Health for you. Please fill out this feedback form- I will read all of the responses, your 5 minutes makes a big difference!💝 

Our 2024 Highlights (so far) 🎂 

  • A new Instagram page - @readinvitehealth 

  • Interviewing 10 people this year- including the first interview with a recruiter

  • Achieving a milestone of 40 interviews published on Invite Health!

  • Making some incredible friends through this platform

  • I’ve had the chance to talk about Invite Health with Wynette’s Friday with Friends, with McMaster BHSc Second Year Council, and McMaster Public Health Association (coming soon!)

  • Hearing that some of you have landed positions after reading Invite Health - that’s incredible!

Thank you for your support 💌 

Last year, I was uncertain of Invite Health’s future since starting my studies at Oxford. All of your encouragement and support has made me so glad that we brought Invite Health back.

Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for making Invite Health what it is.

For nostalgia, take a look at some of my earliest posts, to see how far Invite Health has come since September 2022:

See you in May! 🥂 

Best of luck to all of you wrapping up school in April, to those of you waiting on undergraduate / graduate school decisions, and everyone in between.

If you enjoy Invite Health, forward this email to a friend, follow us on social media, and share the good word (and our URL:

See you back in the inbox in May 📮 


Sachi 💌 


or to participate.