Keeping Invite Health Free

Clarifying something from my previous newsletter.

Hi friends,

It has been brought to my attention that on my previous newsletter, there is an option to ‘pledge your support’, and then Substack prompts you to give your card information and choose how much you want to pledge. It might look like this:

Please do not give money.

I do not know where the money goes.  

The button should actually say “Subscribe now”, so I’m not sure how or why it changed to '“Pledge your support”.

I am not building Invite Health to profit. As I wrote previously, I care greatly about keeping Invite Health accessible to everyone, and part of this strive for accessibility is making this newsletter FREE.

The name itself, Invite Health, was intentionally chosen because I want to invite people of all backgrounds and experiences to learn and participate in Canadian healthcare. Thus, asking for money from subscribers does not align with my values.

I apologize for the confusion. I will work to actively fix this.

Thank you,



or to participate.